ESC Solstice/Litha Celebration

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Wheel of the Year Holidays (Sabbats)
ESC gathers to celebrate the eight Wheel of the Year holidays, or sabbats, of the Neopagan/Wiccan calendar. However, we encourage practitioners of nature-based traditions worldwide to come and share their Earth-honoring customs and insights in community. Those with an interest in, but no prior experience with, nature-based spirituality are also welcome! More information about EarthSpirit Circle at USG can be found on our webpage.

Linked here is a list of the Wheel of the Year holidays, a modern interpretation of their themes (there are many), and the month in which each is celebrated.

Wheel of the Year Celebration Planning Meetings
Anyone interested in suggesting, presenting, or leading a celebration piece for the next sabbat is welcome to attend. Linked here is the EarthSpirit Circle Planning Meeting and Celebration Schedule for 2022.

ESC Mailing List
For more information on EarthSpirit Circle at the United Society of Germantown, or to be added to our Planning Meeting and/or Wheel of the Year Celebrations Notification email lists and receive the Zoom link for our gatherings, contact the ESC Coordinators at


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