ERC Presents Kay Weiser

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Ending Racism is pleased to present Kay in sharing her fabric collage: 

“America’s Racism: Origins, Evolvement, HOPE”

Kay will share about what inspired her to create it and answer questions. See below for a preview.

Kay writes: In January through July of 2023, I submerged myself in anti-racism offerings by UUA, Meadville-Lombard, USG and others. As a result of the deep learning I was exposed to, my brain was full of extensive information. Because the words and information were literally swirling in my head, I knew I had to create something that would contain and represent all of it. Since 2020, I have been creating facial portrait collages out of fabric. This type of art expression is no longer new to me because I finished 10 portraits using the technique. I encouraged myself to come up with a fabric collage that would organize all I learned using scraps of fabric.
America’s Racism: Origins, Evolvement, HOPE was born. Six months later the fabric collage was completed. It measures 42″ x 37″. The intent, theme, and focus needs to be a conversation starter. My fabric collage is a deeply personal expression that I want to share with others. It represents the excruciating pain of being Black and white in America, but it includes the promise of hope and change.


USG Edna Jones Assembly Room
