7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
A Two-Part Program: Friday, April 21, 7-9pm and Saturday, April 22, 10:00am – 4:00pm
Online/In-person/Hybrid TBD (Location(s) will be announced on the DVI website and by email to registrants)
Online/In-person/Hybrid TBD (Location(s) will be announced on the DVI website and by email to registrants)
Class Description: In numerous places in the suttas, the Buddha was emphatic that there is no liberation without mindfulness that is firmly and intimately established in the body. The Citta (Pali for heart/mind) is not at ease and happy when it gets seduced into trying to find fulfillment in internal and external sense objects. It is most at ease when awareness is anchored in the body. Through sustained practice with the body, we can experience, for ourselves, that this is so.
We will practice yoniso manasikara or wise attention as we explore what objects are skillful to attend to and which ones are not. We’ll spend our day meditating with the body during sitting and walking meditation, as well as bringing full attention to the body when moving about.
For more info, teacher’s bio, and registration, click here.
Program sponsored by Delaware Valley Insight and the Unitarian Society of Germantown.
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