Ministry Executive Team
USG’s governance structure is comprised of the Board of Trustees, the Ministry Executive Team, and the Congregation. As a reminder, here is the job description for the MET.
MET Job Description
The Ministry Executive Team (MET) manages the day-to-day operations of USG including spiritual and life-long learning programs and events, social justice activities, membership, caring, property, and finances. MET works within policies set by the Board and makes all significant decisions in collaboration with the Board. MET encourages the use of the Board’s Strategic Initiatives and the congregational Mission Statement, Core Values and Intentions when the councils and committees are setting their goals, to assure that Board, council and committee priorities and goals are synchronous.
The MET is headed by the Senior Minister; members include the Church Administrator, and two to three lay leaders. MET has the responsibility to:
- assign resources (people and money) based on the Board’s strategic initiatives and priorities,
- assign and clarify tasks to councils and committees, and
- collaborate with committees and councils to evaluate their achievements in accordance with their goals.
The MET Team Members 2024-25
Rev. Hannah Capaldi
Hunter McCorkel
Eric Foster
Jody Hill
Margaret Thompson
The Ministry Executive Team can be contacted by emailing