Annual Stewardship Pledging
The Online Stewardship Pledge Form lets us know what you PLAN to give during the year. Most people pledge during our Stewardship Annual Campaign, but you can pledge any time.
USG members and friends have a wide range of income and giving. Everyone’s participation, regardless of level, is important to the health and mission of our Beloved Community. How can you determine how much to give? We have a Fair Share Giving Guide, but in the end your judgement, your conscience, and your circumstance will determine what is best for you and best for USG.
Foundations for the Future Capital Campaign
Use the Online Capital Campaign Pledge Form to record what you PLAN to contribute to the Capital Campaign. You can pledge any time during the year. Pledges may be fulfilled over THREE years for this Campaign. The Campaign brochure details the projects and their benefits.
How to Make Payments toward Your Pledge
Once you make your pledge, you can make payments toward it in any of these ways:
- Setup one-time or recurring payments via the Online Payment Center (link below) using electronic check (ACH) or credit card.
- One-time or recurring payments may also be made with the Text Giving instructions below.
- Place cash or checks made out to USG in a donation envelope in the Sunday plate.
- Mail checks to USG, c/o Financial Secretary, 6511 Lincoln Drive, Philadelphia, PA 19119.
Online Payment Center
This link lets you set up and make several kinds of payments to USG, including your Stewardship pledge payments. You select the pay period (monthly is preferred) and choose to debit your bank account (preferred) or a credit card.
Text Giving
Text giving is a very convenient option for contributions and pledge payments. First time givers will be prompted to provide their payment method via a secure web page (ACH is the preferred method).
For subsequent donations, simply text the amount you’d like to give to 215-608-2660. This will credit the general fund or your pledge, if you made one.
You can also text the amount to a specific fund using a keyword. Watch for keywords in the Service to direct your donation.