All-Church Dinner 2020
Saturday, March 14, 5-9pm

Registration for the All-Church Dinner on Saturday, March 14, 2020 is now open. Please plan to join us for this annual community gathering where we enjoy good food, good company, and celebrate our Beloved USG Community!
We will begin with a wine and appetizer reception followed by an assigned potluck dinner sitting at designated tables and ending with entertainment. You will be contacted by your table host the week of March 2, 2020 with your food assignment.
Please wear your name badge the night of the dinner.
Childcare for ages 6 months and older will be available from 5-9 p.m.
To RSVP, please follow this link and complete the registration form NO LATER than March 1, 2020. For planning purposes, it is important that all registrations are received by the deadline. Thank you!
Registration is also available during the fellowship hour on 2/9/20, 2/16/20, 2/23/20, and 3/1/20.
Bring the family, bring a friend!
See you at the All Church Dinner!
Kay Weiser (Chair)