Coming of Age (COA) every other year, offered next 2025-26
8th- 10th Grades
~Two Sunday mornings a month 10:30-11:30am

Coming of Age is the Unitarian Universalist way of marking the passage from childhood into adolescence. Throughout the course of the year, students are challenged to deepen their understanding of UUism, the work of USG and their own beliefs. Sunday morning meetings will invite students to dig deeply into the ideas and ideals that are central to their lives. In keeping with the fourth UU principle, “we affirm and promote a free and responsible search for truth and meaning,” it guides them through the very UU process of examining information, talking about it, and then making their own decisions about what they believe (now). The COA year includes opportunities for service, fellowship, fun and adventure. The culmination of the program is the youth-led Coming of Age service in the spring when the group will present their faith statements, or credos, to the congregation. If your youth is interested in joining this class, please contact lead teacher, Treva Burger,

Youth Group
9th-12th Grades

The goal is for Youth Group to be primarily youth-led, as they design and facilitate most activities. It is a place where youth deepen relationships with one another, build community and establish life-long friendships. We don’t currently have a youth group, we hope to again soon.