MLK Day of Service
Please join us in our 29th annual Day of Service Event honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s legacy of providing service to your community on Monday, January 19, 2026.
This event brings several hundred volunteers together to provide service projects to our community organizations. In previous years we’ve made food and meals like soup, bagged lunches including peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, snack bags, and baked treats. We’ve made birthday cards and seasonal decorations. We’ve painted rooms or hallways in organizations that need a refresh. We’ve cleaned up outside with litter and gardening as well as inside sanitizing play rooms or organizing closets. And we advocate for justice projects by writing to politicians and holding demonstrations.
If you are an organization that’s interested in receiving service from us, please reach out with your ideas. We’re especially looking for projects we can do at your location.
These projects require funding and supplies in order to be successfully completed. Might you or your place of business have something to contribute? Without the help of our generous sponsors, we would not be able to provide the same impact.
And if you are interested in participating with us, check back here around December when we update the details for our 2026 service projects.
Feel free to email MLK Day of Service Committee at
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is,
What are you doing for others?’”
~ Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.