At the Unitarian Society of Germantown, we encourage Wonder, Compassion, Mindfulness, Service… and Fun!

This Sunday, This week, our kids and youth will be back in their regular CSD classrooms. Our Rainbow Connection class will be thinking about perseverance, the Lego ValUUes class will be practicing compassion, and the CommUUnity Games class will be exploring our shared value of pluralism. 

For the adults in the congregation, have you signed up for any February Sundays with CSD yet? We are looking for lead teachers, helpers, and substitutes for each Sunday (if you can once a month, every other month, once a season, it all helps!). One of the many ways we can respond to the chaos of this political moment is grounding in a multigenerational community and teaching our Unitarian Universalist values to our kids. Please sign up here to help CSD thrive!

CSD Teacher Orientation and Training
Sunday, March 2, 12:30 – 2:30pm in Sullivan Chapel
Join us for an orientation and teacher training for our Children’s Spiritual Development (CSD) program! This is a perfect opportunity for those that have been curious about joining but don’t quite know what to expect. It will also be beneficial for long time volunteers. We’ll be covering the values that guide our CSD program and practicing some of the skills that you might need in the classroom. There’s no need to register, but please reach out to Zoë if you’re a new volunteer interested in attending the training at 

Below you’ll find an overview of the current classes. You can also still register your kids for CSD using this link.


Pre-K/Kindergarten will be doing The Rainbow Connection which uses story books to discuss the values inherent in Unitarian Universalism and crafts to spark their creativity. They’ll be in the Children’s Library, the nook behind the elevator. 

1st through 4th Grade will be doing Lego ValUUes which introduces our shared UU values through storybooks, discussion, and play activities. There’s always at least one Lego build! They’ll be in Sullivan 1.  

5th through 7th Grade will be doing Community Games which incorporates all kinds of games to guide discussion of our UU values and individual faith identities. They’ll be in Sullivan 2      

And our 7th-9th grade OWL Class will be meeting in Sullivan 3 from 10:30am to 12pm. Registration is closed. For those registered, here is the schedule. Questions, email 

And Susan, our childcare person, will be in the Wiggle Room, which is always open for tots and tot-minders.

Friday Childcare 
As Rev. Hannah preached on September 29th, our children matter! And we’ll be hosting childcare with the help of our elders on some Friday evenings for two hours. This is an event that is still being constructed so please fill out this short form if this is something that you are interested in. This gives us a sense of how many members we need to recruit to our childcare squad to properly care for all of your children while you enjoy time to yourself. 

October’s CSD Newsletter

If you have any CSD questions, please contact Zoë Johnston, USG’s Director of CSD, at

Join us here at USG for fellowship and fun!
Registration is always open for CSD* programs!

The Mission of our Children’s Spiritual Development (CSD) program is to:

  • Provide developmentally appropriate education that supports the lifelong process of learning to cultivate goodness, compassion, empathy, and love for oneself and others.
  • Offer safe and caring spaces for introspective work, connecting to nature, and building right-relationships in community across generations.
  • Put into practice hands-on, experiential education for children, facilitators and parents that cultivates respect, stewardship, service, mindfulness, responsibility, justice, and the search for truth and beauty.
  • To welcome young people into the UU community, help them find their way into becoming active members, and provide them opportunities to learn the rich history and guiding principles of UU.

We believe if the mission of CSD is fulfilled it will contribute greatly to fulfilling our overarching mission at USG of: Building beloved community with service, compassion and empowerment.

Please see the weekly enewsletter for the most up to date info.

Please Register your Children for CSD

By registering your child this year so that we have allergy and contact info. 

Our program is a co-op. We hope you will consider how you can volunteer during the program year, such as assisting in Sunday’s Children Spiritual Development workshops, helping organize seasonal events, or even lending a hand with administrative office tasks.  

As per new USG safety guidelines, all children should be fully vaccinated if eligible, and have a clean mask for our indoors, well-ventilated time together.  All CSD volunteers are also fully vaccinated.

We are able to offer CSD because of our wonderful volunteers. Thank you for considering volunteering and click HERE for information and links to the required background checks for volunteers.