Click HERE to access the Sunday service which begins at 10:00am. Ingathering Music and a slideshow of announcements begins at 9:50am, when we will begin admitting folks.
How deep are you willing to go in your spiritual search for truth and meaning? One day you may find that everything you thought you believed has falling apart, and you find yourself standing there alone with what you thought of as yourself and as divinity. The next step is accepting the fact that neither is the way you perceive it. We will explore deep spirituality in this sermon, and what happens when you take that final step.
The Rev. Dr. Omprakash Gilmore is a retired Unitarian Universalist Minster, writer, Certified Life-Coach, Licensed Massage Therapist and Teacher. He received his D. Min. at University of Creation Spirituality in Work and Spirituality and did Post Doctoral Work at Sat Yoga Institute in Costa Rica studying spirituality and identity. His focus for the last 20 years has been the practical application of alternative therapies and healing modalities to empower and to remove the negative effects of oppression, suppression, and depression. He is presently serving on the COUPS national board in the position of Right Relations.