Speaker: Rev. Hannah Capaldi

Worship with Rev. Hannah Capaldi

Join us for a worship experience that will restore your spirit and invigorate your mind.

In addition to attending in person, you can join us on YouTube Live HERE. (That is also the link to watch the recording.)

We no longer stream the service on Zoom but you can access … read more.

MLK Sunday with Rev. Hannah Capaldi

This Sunday’s service will reflect on the complexities of violence and peace in a world that is hurting. On the eve of honoring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we’ll examine the ways Dr. King himself wrestled with the relationship between American politics and our … read more.

Rules to Break, Rev. Hannah Capaldi

The tides of conformity are rising and we must learn to resist. As Unitarian Universalists, we celebrate and affirm the diversity of human expression and human experience. This Sunday we will explore how to break the rules of gender and how to affirm and celebrate … read more.

Culture of Repair, Rev. Hannah Capaldi

Rev. Kendyll Gibbons writes “faith invites us to seek the healing rather than exoneration.” As a congregation committed to acts of reparations, let us consider what it means to embody healing and repair over exoneration and denial. Unitarian Universalism requires we always seek right relations … read more.