Postcard from Parental Leave
Sledding in Clark Park with Toni
as Rev. Hannah soaks up the last days of parental leave.
Sledding in Clark Park with Toni
as Rev. Hannah soaks up the last days of parental leave.
Happy one month birthday to Carmen Capaldi!
Carmen with her big sister Toni and cousin Frances (11 weeks old.) Rev. Hannah’s family has been visiting a lot and helping out.
“Settling in as a family of four! Toni is taking to big sister duties like a champ and Carmen is doing nothing but eating and sleeping and dirtying diapers, just the way she’s supposed to.” ~ Rev. Hannah Capaldi
Carmen Gallo Capaldi arrived in the early hours of Wednesday, November 27, 2024, to the family of Rev. Hannah Capaldi, wife Livia and big sister Toni. Gifts or well-wishes can be sent to Rev. Hannah and the family at USG, 6511 Lincoln Drive, Philadelphia, PA 19119 or directed to Hunter at … read more.
A Message … read more.
Dear Unitarian Society of Germantown,
As many of you know, my family is soon expanding to include a new baby. My wife Livia is due to give birth to our second child on November 18th and I will be out for eight weeks to help her … read more.
November 6, 2024
Beloved community,
Just come and be together. Just come. Nothing more.
Bring food to share if you would like, but do not feel obliged to. We will have food. Bring your tears, bring your numbness, bring your righteous anger. Come and be together at … read more.
Dear Unitarian Society of Germantown,
As we head into a weekend which culminates in our Ingathering service, I wanted to write to you about a few opportunities for living into our values Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Tomorrow marks the kick off of a mass mobilization effort by UUtheVote in … read more.
Building the Plane as We Fly It!
Dear Unitarian Society of Germantown,
It feels thrilling to be writing this letter to all of you from my office at 6511 Lincoln Drive, where I have spent much of my first week getting settled. I have prioritized getting my … read more.