Click HERE to register as an Auction Bidder! and to browse all the remaining events and items in the Auction.
Registration is recommended to speed the check-in and check-out process.

Click HERE to see the Still-Open Auction Items,
then choose the GRID VIEW (which shows full details) or the CALENDAR VIEW.

Thanks to our wonderful Sponsors and generous Donors!

Some helpful hints for navigating our Auction Website menu:

Remember to choose the GRID VIEW to see full details.

  • Go to POSTER AUCTION to see events and items being offered at a flat, fixed price.
  • Go to SILENT AUCTION to see events and items you can bid on which were not in the Main Auction.
  • If you want to see every single event and thing being offered this year, both flat price and high bidder- go to SHOW ME EVERYTHING.

Here is a handy video with step-by-step instructions on registering and bidding: