12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
October is the beginning of the Small Group Ministry year, so now is a great time to sign up for a group. There will be sign-ups with Small Group facilitators who can answer any questions you have during Fellowship Hour. A Drop In group will help you get a sense of the program before you commit to a group.
Each group, usually of 8-12 individuals, gathers once a month to reflect on that month’s spiritual theme. SGM is not a discussion group; it is a spiritual practice where we take time out of our busy lives to think deeply about a topic, share our thoughts with a trusted group and then listen deeply as others share. Please visit the Small Group Ministry page under the Spiritual Development tab.
If you will not be at USG on Sundays, you can email sgm@usguu.org
or call Treva Burger, 215-983-3783 for help finding a group. We currently have openings in many groups including a new group for those who identify as Black, Indigenous or People of Color. Other groups have other demographic identifiers, such as Young Adult, Couples, Parents. However, anyone is welcome in any group where the demographic fits.
September’s Small Group curriculum: Building Beloved Community.
USG - Daskam Room