Opportunities at USG for Adults of All Ages

July’s Spirit newsletter

If you have questions about ASD courses and programs, please contact committee chair Janet Haas at asd@usguu.org

The Adult Spiritual Development (ASD) Committee of USG is committed to offering a variety of programs that deepen and broaden the range of spiritual practices in our congregation. ASD seeks to promote offerings that engage the heart and stimulate the intellect and create opportunities for USG members to share their talents and wisdom, as we strengthen the bonds of our Unitarian Universalist community. We are now offering some things in person, outdoors and indoors, and we are still offering many things on zoom.

Small Group Ministry is a form of Adult Spiritual Development, visit the webpage HERE.

This page has discussion-based spiritual development, for practice-based spiritual development – meditation & yoga – visit the Center for Mindfulness at USG page.

Unitarian Universalism 101 in person on 3rd Sundays at 12 noon; or by appointment on Zoom
An introduction to Unitarian Universalism for visitors and friends. Please contact Eric Foster and Charles Gabriel at uu101@usguu.org if you are interested.

Exploring Elderhood
is on hiatus

BLUU Boxes contain historical and inspiring treasures from the Black Lives of UUism and are available to everyone. If you would like to receive them and notices of times to gather and discuss, please contact bookstudy@usguu.org.

Racism Book Study will meet next on July 8 from 7:30-9pm on Zoom. We are reading the Introduction and chapters 2and 3 of American Apartheid by Stephanie Woodard. Email bookstudy@usguu.org for more info or the link.

Offered by the Meadville-Lombard UU Seminary

The next session will be offered in the fall.

They are currently building new communities of learners in both of our Gathering Our Selves programs (for Black, Indigenous, People of Color participants) and our Un/Learning for Liberation program (for white participants). Join us for a deep dive into the personal, transformative, spirit-growing work each of us needs to do around issues of race, identity, and justice, in relationship with other folks who share some similar experiences!

Within is a 12-week spiritual formation program that mixes multi-media learning and reflection at your own pace, processing in small groups, and worshipping together in community! You can access it entirely online and the materials are accessible for up to a year after the start of the program.

Please read below for more details about Beloved Conversations, our three Within programs, and this upcoming Spring Term. You are welcome to use any of the information in this email to promote in your congregation or share with other folks you think might be interested. You can also us at belovedconversations@meadville.edu to request a promotional packet or ask any questions you might have! 

Check out our Beloved Conversations website for lots of information about Within and all of our exciting programs!

Follow our Beloved Conversations page on Facebook for updates!