On Sunday, January 28 we experienced a compelling and powerful worship service called The Promise and the Practice. The worship was offered by the UUA for us to “listen deeply to the stories that have not been heard and to lament what our UU tradition has lost by being unable – or unwilling – to center People of Color. It was a celebration of our commitment to live into a new chapter of our faith’s story.”
In our service we took a special collection to support Black Lives of Unitarian Universalists. BLUU’s future efforts will include support for creating community for Black UUs, Empowering Black leadership and building bridges to Black Lives Matter.
We passed our goal by raising over $3,100 for the new organization: Black Lives of Unitarian Universalists! By raising over $10 per member, we qualified for a matching grant. Hence, our efforts helped to garner over $6,000 for BLUU. Thank you!
A special thanks to Connie Simon, who served on the national working group, which created the worship materials. Connie also helped lead our worship service along with Mark Daugherty, our USG Choir, Jason Bender, four amazing Youth Group Members, Helena Showell, and me.
Look for more upcoming program initiatives coordinated through the Board’s Anti-Racism Task Force. Blessings be!
In Faith,