Christmas Eve Family Service 4:00pm
It’s So Bright! A Contemporary Christmas Pageant
Join us for a fresh take on the heart-warming story of the first Christmas. Our children and youth are starring as cast and crew, and Music Director Mark Daugherty will lead us in song. There will be lots of opportunities for the congregation to sing, participate and catch the spirit. Young children can participate without rehearsals too!
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 6:00pm
Looking Into the Manger with Rev. Libby Smith*, Music Director Mark Daugherty & the USG Choir
Come celebrate the holy birth of Jesus. Come celebrate the sacred birth of the universe. Come celebrate that every birth is a holy birth. After all, Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle.” Christmas helps us to mindfully birth and celebrate Awe-inspiring love, courage and hope.
*Rev. Libby Smith is graciously substituting for USG’s Rev. Kent Matthies this year. He is supporting his mother in a health crisis. The Rev. Libby Smith is a life-long UU who grew up in the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of York, PA. She worked as a religious educator for five years before attending Harvard Divinity School. She has served congregations in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania and worked as Chaplain at UU House, a small nursing home in Philadelphia. Now retired from congregational service, she enjoys the chance to do pulpit supply on request.
Bring your favorite holiday cookies to share at the Cookie Reception between the services.