CLICK HERE to access the Sunday service which begins at 10:00am. Ingathering Music and a slideshow of announcements begins at 9:50am.
The bridge to What You Want usually crosses the river of Unvoiced Requests. Maggie hopes to talk about the magic of actually asking out loud for what you actually want — whether you think the other person can hear you, whether you think they will care about what you said, whether you think anyone is there at all. We’ll dip a toe into the water of Cluttered Minds and Rooms and possibly talk a little bit about the real purpose of work — floating gently with your colleagues.
Maggie Beaumont has been a Unitarian Universalist and a Wiccan since 1998 and a member of this congregation since 2014. She is a former dean of students at Cherry Hill Seminary and a past board member of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS), as well as a Second Degree Witch and Priestess in the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel. After a varied career in mechanical engineering, journalism, real estate, and adult education, she earned a master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology and is now a hospice and hospital chaplain.
This service will be followed by a Q&A with the Board about the most recent Widening the Circle leadership meeting and recommendations. For more info on Widening the Circle, visit the page on this site by clicking this link.