Bidding Rev. Kent a Good Goodbye

Sunday, June 5, 2022 at 10:30am
“A Soul Generated by Love”
A Very Special Service
to Honor & Celebrate Rev. Kent’s 20 Years of Ministry at USG

The service will be followed by
A Potluck* in the Grove!
Click here to RSVP by May 23!

Love Notes to the Rev!
Would you like to contribute a remembrance to a Memory Book for Kent?
Click here! by May 25

Would you like to contribute to a monetary gift for Kent? Please click here! 
Scroll down to Give to a Special Gift (Rev. Kent).

Would you like to join a table bouquet-making workshop on Saturday, June 4, 11:00a-12:30p? The bouquets will decorate Sunday’s luncheon tables. Please send YES to

Would you like to help on June 5 with luncheon set-up, starting at 9:00am? Please send YES to with “June 5 Set-Up” in the subject line. Of course, we want to be finished with set-up before the service starts!