Board of Trustees Nominees for 2019-2020

Andrea Barsevick, RN phD – I have been a member of the Unitarian Society of Germantown since 1986; my husband, Rudy Sprinkle, and I raised our two children in this church. My commitment to USG has included both financial support and service to this beloved community. A major contribution has been teaching the previous “About Your Sexuality” and current “Our Whole Lives” courses to young teens (1989-present); I have also taught the Adult and Older Adult Sexuality courses. I served on the committee that developed the Small Group Ministry Program, was a group leader, and continue to participate in a small group. I served on the Board of Trustees and as board president in the early 1990’s. Other church contributions have included serving on and chairing the children’s religious education committee and chairing the church annual dinner. In my professional career, I have been a faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania, Fox Chase Cancer Center, and Thomas Jefferson University, making contributions in cancer research and education. I retired in June, 2018. Based on my long involvement at USG and experience of church life, I believe I can make a positive contribution as a member of the Board of Trustees.

Maggie Beaumont – I joined USG in 2014 when I moved to Cheltenham from New Jersey. I’ve been active in the Earth Spirit Circle (formerly Earth-honoring Traditions) since I arrived, celebrating the solar holidays and exploring pre-Christian traditions. I served on the Adult Spiritual Development committee for a year, led Death CafĂ© here a couple of times and have offered the occasional ASD class. I’ve been a UU, and a Wiccan, since about 1998, and a Reiki practitioner since 1997. I’m much more of a Universalist than I am a Unitarian, and today I identify as UU-Wiccan-Polytheist.
After a varied career in mechanical engineering, journalism, real estate, and academia, I began studying chaplaincy in 2006 and have been working as a chaplain since 2012, chiefly in hospital and hospice settings. Much of my work in recent years has been around full inclusion. Recently I attended Jubilee for the first time, which was eye-opening and amazing. Nowadays I’m working to reduce my implicit bias and acknowledge and counteract the assorted unearned privilege I have in American society. Reducing my arrogance continues to be a work in progress. I look forward to working with other Board members to continue creating Beloved Community

Zachary Bosco – I started attending USG in 2010. I have a background in Religious service. I have a Bachelors degree in Religious Studies from King University of Bristol, Tennessee plus have completed additional coursework in areas of Unitarian Polity, History, Sexuality and Religion, and Disability and Religion from Unitarian Seminaries of Meadville Lombard and Starr King, as well as Lancaster Theological Seminary and Virginia Union University School of Theology. Presently I am completing studies in History online with Harvard University.
As far as service to USG I have facilitated small group ministries, served on the stewardship committee, participated in several adult spiritual development programs, and co-chaired the Passover Seder. In addition, I have traveled and represented USG at a number of events such as the 50th Anniversary of Selma-Alabama conference held to commemorate our Unitarian work there in 1965, Voting Rights activity in North Carolina with other Unitarians, Rev. Connie Simon’s installation at First Unitarian of Cincinnati, and several General Assemblies, sometimes serving as delegate.
I bring to the table a diverse background as a proud ex-minister from a previous denomination with skills to use in lay service work in Unitarian World, connections with many in the larger Unitarian denomination, and knowledge of broader UU issues. I am able to share my thoughts and opinions on difficult topics, but am also able to stay in dialogue with those who may disagree with me (or others) or struggle with their opinion and evaluation of certain issues.

John Davis – I have been attending USG since 2004, and became a member with my wife, Joanne, in 2005. We were looking for a welcoming and caring group of people to enhance our lives, and found it at USG. We came to USG, never went to another church, and never looked back. Since becoming a member I have been able to work on the church website, the auction committee, be an usher, and serve on the nominating committee and the GMTF. I’ve found that in addition to being fun, I seem to get back more from my volunteer activities at USG than I put in.
I work as an engineer at a small medical equipment company, and live in Mt. Airy with my wife, Joanne, and our two cats, Biscuit and Smokey. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve USG as a member of the board of trustees.