Philadelphia Interfaith Walk for Peace and Reconciliation

2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

On Sunday, April 28, 2019, from 2:00 – 5:00pm, we invite people of all faiths to join us on a spiritual journey.
After a pre-walk gathering at the Al Aqsa Islamic Center,  we will walk from Society Hill Synagogue to Arch Street Methodist Church to Friends Center on Cherry St., we will lament war and loss of life. We will pray for the safety and freedom of all people. We will embrace hope, not fear. The true pathway of peace is God’s desire for love and justice, not military might. Join with us to show that peace between people of all faiths is possible. Let us call out Salaam. Let us call out Shalom. Let us call out Peace in the language of Love.
Mission: To facilitate peace, justice and reconciliation by engaging faith groups and other communities in dialogue, reflection, action and an annual Interfaith Peace Walk.
Vision: To nurture a transformative process of reflection, relationship-building and action among faith and secular groups working toward peace and justice through periodic dialogues about challenging issues; community service, outreach to religious and ethnic groups experiencing intolerance or persecution; and an annual Interfaith Peace Walk.

Society Hill Synagogue


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