Questionnaire for Proposed USG Courses, Programs or Events

As USG continues its evolution as a church, all new USG courses, programs and events will be reviewed and approved to insure that they are consistent with USG’s mission and that sufficient and appropriate resources are present to make for success. USG’s mission is “Building Beloved Community with Compassion, Service and Empowerment.”

Completed questionnaires will be reviewed by Adult Spiritual Development (ASD), Community Council or the Social Justice Coordinators depending on the content. ASD is responsible for all courses and classes held at USG involving more structured, content-based learning including multiple sessions over a few months. ASD programs are also concerned with spiritual practice, faith formation and UU history and identity. On the other hand, Community Council is responsible for earth honoring traditions, community building groups and annual one-time community events such as the All-Church Retreat and Blood Drive, Social Justice is responsible for social justice groups and one time activities like MLK Day and Rebuilding Philly.

If you are planning on offering a new activity, please complete this questionnaire and hit the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the form. (You may also print it out, fill it out, and return it to either the ASD or PEC mailbox in the USG office.)

Questions? For Adult Spiritual Development Courses or Classes, contact: Director of Spiritual Development (