Click below for the two-page sheet of Carols for both or either service and sing along!
4pm Christmas Eve Family Service: Home, Hearth and Cookies, Director of Spiritual Development, Ryan Hurd.
Join us on Zoom (Santa’s channel) for this heart-warming and intimate service… and don’t forget to bring your candle and cookies! We will celebrate the Nativity Story as well as lift up our own home and family traditions through story, video and candle-lit song. Music by Music Director Mark Daugherty and special guests.
6pm Candlelight & Carol Service: “No Gifts to Bring?” Rev Kent Matthies and Mark Daugherty
For the first time in 155 years the people of the Unitarian Society of Germantown will not gather in person for Christmas eve. This year we may all feel a bit like the little drummer boy. Invited to come see the newborn King, but feeling like we have no gifts worthy of giving. Covid has stripped us of our capacity to spend time in person with loved ones as well as other sacred holiday traditions. However, the boy realized that simply playing his drum brought a tender smile to Mary. What gifts can we share from the simplicity and beauty of our lives?