Scroll down to view the recording of the service, usually posted by the following Wednesday.
Here is the Order of Service:

Taking necessary actions to reduce the spread of Covid19 starkly reminds us of the life-sustaining value of emotional and spiritual connections. Extensive isolation risks not only the reduction of joy and peace, but also impairment of physical and mental health. We cherish the bonds that tie us to one another in relationship. Virtually pouring our waters into the common bowl of beloved community, we covenant to connect in ways that lift spirits and save lives. We invite everyone – from first time visitors to long-time members – to bring your water to this Ingathering worship service.
For our traditional water ceremony, we invite everyone — from first time visitors to long-time members and everyone in the family — to create a short MP4 or MOV video showing each person pouring water into a vessel that is out of camera view. Our magic-maker Jess Stanforth will then create a video montage. Please send your videos to and in the Subject Line put “Water Video.”
For Bios of our staff members, including our new Intern Minister, Latifah Griffin, please visit our Staff Page.