The Autumn has come. That light is shining at that strange angle that softens sunlight and casts shafts of light through empty branches. The voices of the past continue to speak, but we cannot hear them. The veil of normalcy and the material scientific world view have cut us off so we cannot hear anymore. During this sermon we will remove the veil and take a peek as we listen to what the voices are saying.
Click here to view the four-page Order of Service. (It can be printed on 8.5×14″ paper.)
Dr. Om Prakash (John Gilmore) is a retired Unitarian Universalist Minster, writer, Certified Life-Coach, Licensed Massage Therapist and Teacher. He received his D. Min. at University of Creation Spirituality in Work and Spirituality and did Post Doctoral Work at Sat Yoga Institute in Costa Rica studying spirituality and identity. His focus for the last 20 years has been the practical application of alternative therapies and healing modalities to empower and to remove the negative effects of oppression, suppression, and depression. He is presently serving on the CUUPS national board in the position of Right Relations.