Speaker: Rev. Hannah Capaldi

Culture of Repair, Rev. Hannah Capaldi

Rev. Kendyll Gibbons writes “faith invites us to seek the healing rather than exoneration.” As a congregation committed to acts of reparations, let us consider what it means to embody healing and repair over exoneration and denial. Unitarian Universalism requires we always seek right relations … read more.

Questions Forever, Rev. Hannah Capaldi

Yuval Noah Harari said “Questions you cannot answer are usually far better for you than answers you cannot question.” In our faith, we cherish questions and the spiritual practice of sitting with the unknown. This service will offer a chance to ask Rev. Hannah your … read more.

Ingathering Sunday with Rev. Hannah Capaldi

We open our congregational year with an Ingathering Water Communion. This multigenerational service will use story and song to reflect on the transformational power of water to give life, take life, and inspire awe. Everyone is invited to bring water from a summer place near … read more.