CLICK HERE to access the Sunday service which begins at 10:00am. Ingathering Music and a slideshow of announcements begins at 9:50am.
When we take action to create a more just world, how do we engage without ourselves being drawn into anger and division? Without feeling overwhelmed or burned out? Practices that foster compassion, community, and self-care can sustain our joyful activism.
Mary Kalyna began attending USG in 2011 and joined in 2013. Mary is part of the USG Choir and teaches in the “Breathe” meditation program. Since June 2020 she has coordinated the daily “Standing in Solidarity for Racial Justice” vigil in support of Black Lives Matter. She also co-chairs the USG POWER Local Organizing Committee with Vanessa Lowe. Mary has practiced meditation for 30 years and has been an activist for justice and human rights since her teens.
This service will be followed by a Q&A with the Board President on the Hospitality and Inclusion chapter which you can read here.