9:00 pm - 10:30 pm
On Tuesday, September 20, at 9:00PM, the documentary Defying the Nazis: the Sharp’s War will be broadcast on WHYY Channel 12. USG members are encouraged to see this film. The work of the UUSC and the UU-UNO will be the focus of Social Justice activities during the month of October.
USG members Linda Brunn and Mel Strieb will participate in a WHYY screening and panel discussion of the film at WHYY’s Philadelphia studios on Monday, September 19, there are no more tickets are available for this event. The documentary is about the Rev. Waitsill and Martha Sharp (in the photo below), a Unitarian couple whose rescue of children and adults from Franco’s Spain and Nazi-occupied Europe was vital to the founding of the Unitarian Service Committee (USC), the predecessor of today’s Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC). In 2005, the Sharps were the second and third Americans to be honored for their work by Yad Vashem, the memorial to victims of the Holocaust in Jerusalem.
Linda Cahill Brunn, USG Board member, is the daughter of Rev. Edward Cahill who served as acting director of the USC during the 1940s. Mel Strieb is co-chair of the USG Social Justice Coordinating Committee. Also on the panel will be Emma Blaxter and Artemis Joukowski, grandchildren of the Sharps, and Rabbi Dr. Reena Dogman Friedman.
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