Walk/Run to Support PIHN

All Day

USG has formed a team to help Philadelphia Interfaith Hospitality Network (PIHN) raise money to prevent homelessness. Walk, run or support the 5K race. Let’s have a big USG presence! You can sign yourself up to run or walk, donate to support another runner/walker or donate to support the USG team on the Generosity website: www.generosityseries.com/pihn5k
Or you can contact either Anne Gwynn (annegwynn@gmail.com)  or Mel Strieb (mstrieb@gmail.com) or see them after church on Sunday October 22nd and they will sign you up and/or take your donations.
Please note that the text on the website indicates that there is a $200 commitment, but this is not correct. You must donate at least $20 to be a runner or walker. You can send a donation of any amount in support of a runner or walker or the entire team.
Any questions, contact Anne Gwynn at annegwynn@gmail.com or Mel Strieb at mstrieb@gmail.com

Philadelphia Museum of Art
