Article II: A Conversation about What It Means to be UU

March 2023 Reprinted Newsletter article by Rachel Walden, UUA Communications Senior Manager for digital & marketing strategy.

UUA LogoUUA Newsletter Unitarian Universalist Association March 2023a circular design with words equity, interdependence, justice, generosity, transformation and pluralism in different colored circles and a chalice with the word love at the center
Image copyright Article II Study Commission 
As a community, we are part of a vibrant, living tradition. UU faith calls us to remain open to new insights and understandings of the world, its needs and possibilities. Our tradition invites faithful reflection on how we practice and live into Unitarian Universalism. We are called to discernment today through the revision of Article II of our bylaws. Unitarian Universalists serving on the Article II Study Commission have developed new ways of expressing and centering our core values and congregations are invited to review the proposed new language in preparation for a vote at General Assembly this June. We hope everyone will take part and connect more deeply with our faith and theology. 

Has your congregation or community joined this essential conversation? In this newsletter we offer ways to get started, deepen your involvement, and prepare your delegates to submit and vote on amendments, then casting a preliminary vote on the whole proposal at GA. This is an exciting time for all of us to have a say in what it means to be UU. 

With you on the journey,

P.S. We’ll be sharing an announcement soon about Article II amendment workshops that will begin in May.

One important question that has emerged in the conversation about the Article II revision is connected to the 8th Principle Project and what the hundreds of congregations who have adopted the 8th Principle should do if Article II is revised. We share a response from a foundational leader of  
the 8th Principle Project, Dr. Paula Cole Jones. 
Watch on YouTube

For the past two years, the Article II Study Commission engaged thousands of UUs in theological reflection and thoughtful discernment about what is at the heart of our living tradition. The passionate responses they received indicated some important consensus about what it means to be UU. They integrated this feedback into their proposed revision of Article II. Get the proposal, report, and a wealth of resources to engage in faithful discernment ahead of General Assembly this June. 
 Article II Online Resources

Revising the Unitarian Universalist Principles has historically been a grassroots process, where individuals and groups propose changes based on their understanding of how existing language expresses who they are and the values they hold. The UUA continues to support grassroots efforts; we recently established a private Facebook group for UU professionals to share resources, ideas, and perspectives on the current proposed revisions to Article II. 
Join the Facebook Group

Delegates from Unitarian Universalist congregations will vote on the revised language for Article II at General Assembly this June. Congregations are encouraged to coordinate with their delegates to ensure that the votes they cast reflect the congregation’s wishes. Learn more about GA, delegates, and voting and be sure you are registered to attend either in person or online so you can be part of this historic time in our tradition.
Have Your Say at GA

The next two months are a critically important time for individual UUs and congregations to get organized to make an impact on the outcome of the Article II revision process. Congregations are currently in a period of discussion and discernment and April and May will bring opportunities to propose changes to the Commission’s revised language. We will soon have an infographic of key dates available to help stay up-to-date on each phase of the process.