Category: Congregational News

Board President’s Last Letter

June, 2020

Hello, Friends,

I can’t believe how quickly this church year has passed, and
how soon my time as Board President is coming to an end. It’s truly been an
honor to serve this church community, and I am so grateful for the opportunity
to learn, to listen, to … read more.

Difficult Conversations Resume

About one year ago many of our congregants participated in a number of Difficult Conversations on the subject of White Privilege and White Supremacy. Time has passed, people have had conversations, things have happened. Now we would like to hear the stories of your experience … read more.

Archives Exhibit: USG Orders of Service

Check out the new glass curio cabinet in the Sullivan Library. Displayed are USG Orders of Service from 1930, 1958, 1961, 1963 and 1995. These little introductions act as historic “ticklers” for our congregational past. Brief explanations appear on the left side of the cabinet … read more.

Job Posting: Church Administrator

Church Administrator
Unitarian Society of Germantown 
Reports to the Minister
Full-time Professional, 40 hours per week

Please submit resume by May 12th, 2019 to or send via US Mail to 6511 Lincoln Drive, Philadelphia, PA 19119.

Summary:  In collaboration with and in support to the Senior Minister, … read more.

Difficult Conversations

Difficult Conversations are not a one-time event. Real conversation takes time to grow and for participants to gain trust in each other and get comfortable being uncomfortable. So we want to continue the Difficult Conversations on White Privilege, White Supremacy and White Fragility to include … read more.