“Committee on Ministry for the Assistant Minister.” What’s That?

Posted by Daniel Gregoire on January 20, 2016 at 11:30am

As the assistant  minister in this congregation I work with our minister Kent, professional staff, various committees (Adult Spiritual Development and Child Spiritual Development) and lay members to make the mission of USG a reality. We are working together to Build Beloved Community and it is a responsibility I take very seriously. One of the ways that we work towards our mission is by being in touch, sharing our feelings, hopes and dreams together in a way that is easy and transparent. Towards this end, I am glad to offer a reminder of the continued work of Committee on Ministry for the Assistant Minister, now in its second year of operation.

The Committee on Ministry for the Assistant Minister (the committee)  is group made up of three members of the congregation and the assistant minister. We meet once a month on the 3rd Tuesday at the church and communicate at other times to explore my professional and spiritual growth with the mission and vision of the congregation in mind.

The Committee on Ministry for the Assistant Minister is yet another opportunity to give voice to your visions and hopes for this congregation, your congregation in a collegial and transparent fashion. I hope you will continue to reach out to me and the committee, offering feedback and suggestions in a spirit of love and generosity and we will continue to do the same. The committee is committed to reaching out to you, looking for your feedback on the ministries of this congregation, as it relates to the work of the assistant minister. Look for folks with the shiny purple buttons that say “Committee on Ministry – Sharing a Vision for USG” and say hi!

As we journey down the path of deeper growth and understanding I know our relationships will grow stronger and the mission of USG to build Beloved Community with Compassion, Service and Empowerment will move closer to reality.

Rev. Daniel Gregoire


The Committee on Ministry for the Assistant Minister always wants to hear from you.

Look for these leaders and share your thoughts, feelings and dreams with them:


Amy Birge



Charles Gabriel



Linda Bernstein

USG-AM-COM Committee Covenant


We, the Committee on Ministry for the assistant minister of the Unitarian Society of Germantown, covenant to work toward the goal of promoting the health and well being of this congregation.  We will be attentive to the entire ministry of the church with special focus on the assistant minister. We will cultivate open, appropriate and intentional communications with the members of the entire congregation, including children, youth and elders, the ministers, staff and the Board. We will support the church’s mission to build beloved community with compassion, service and empowerment.


We commit to working together as a team and respecting the team process.  We commit to meeting every month, or more frequently as the need arises.  We consider this a priority of service in our lives.  That being said, we also recognize that at times our lives may pull us away from a meeting. Our attendance will reflect this understanding. We will embrace confidentiality as is necessary to maintain healthy relationships.


We understand the vital role members of this committee hold and realize that open and appropriate communication with the rest of the congregation is a large part of this position. We will make decisions as a full team using our adopted consensus model. We commit to listen to each other and to speak our hearts and minds in our meetings. We will take time to listen to all sides and to understand the dissenting voice.  We commit to model right relations in all of our interactions.