CeaseFirePA Rally

12:00 pm - 3:30 pm

For the first time in 12 years, the PA House of Representatives has a chance to pass life-saving gun legislation. Let’s show our support. Join CeaseFirePA “March for our Lives; PA Advocacy Day” on Thursday, March 23 in Harrisburg, to rally and to meet with legislators. Sign up at ceasefirepa.org and click on Advocacy Day. When you register, please put a UU after your last name so that UUJusticePA can reimburse CeaseFirePA for any transportation or food costs we incur for using their organizing for this event. So far four USG members have signed up. (Transportation to be arranged.) To get involved in a USG Gun Violence Prevention group, contact Andre Stormont or email socialjustice@usguu.org with “Gun Violence Prevention” in the subject line.


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