9:15 am - 1:00 pm
9:15am – Spiritual Development Workshops
- Meditation
- Yoga
- Drumming
- Exploring Social Action Opportunities
- Singing in the Wannabe Choir
10:30am – Community Worship Service
11:30am – All Church Brunch
One way that we celebrate Thanksgiving here at USG is by coming together in our annual Community Day, where we can celebrate and give thanks for…each other, our Beloved Community!
We start at 9:15 with a choice of workshops, each designed to introduce or reinforce some form of spiritual exercise. You can choose from sitting in sacred silence during mindfulness meditation, stretching your notion of spirit in yoga, syncing your inner and outer self in drumming, exploring social action as a spiritual exercise, or praying twice by singing in the Wannabe Choir.
Then at 10:30 we all come together for an intergenerational worship service in which we will explore what it means and what it takes to really love and be loved in Beloved Community.
Finally, at 11:30, a delicious finale: a genuine sit down brunch of egg casserole with all the trimmings. Eat slowly, savor your food, hang out a while. Don’t miss this special day where we all come together to celebrate…US!
Unitarian Society of Germantown
- Adult Spiritual Development
- Child Spiritual Development
- Community
- Family Friendly
- Meal
- Social
- Spiritual Practices