6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Often emotions can turn our lives into a roller coaster ride of re-activity which can have the effect of turning our meditative practice into an escape clause rather than the source of our inner strength. It is possible, however, to engage our meditative practice in a more proactive way by cultivating several awakening emotions. They are considered awakening emotions because when present, they bring clarity and wisdom. We will explore these awakening emotions, how to distinguish them from non-awakening emotions, how to cultivate them and how to recognize their impact upon our practice.
Tuere Sala is a retired prosecuting attorney who has practiced Vipassana meditation for over 25 years. She believes that urban meditation is the foundation for today’s practitioner’s path to liberation. She is inspired by bringing the Dharma to nontraditional places and is a strong advocate for practitioners living with high stress, past trauma, and difficulties sitting still. Her teachings reflect an approach to Dharma that is both easy to follow and understand – making it accessible to everyone. She is visiting Philadelphia for the weekend; she lives and teaches in Seattle.
Presented by Delaware Valley Insight Meditation and Co-sponsored by Springboard Studio and the Center for Mindfulness at USG
Unitarian Society of Germantown