7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
The third and possibly final (for now) Difficult Conversation on White Privilege, White Supremacy and White Fragility has been moved to Monday, May 13 starting at 7PM in the Edna Jones Assembly Room. Difficult Conversations presents an opportunity for people to speak honestly, listen respectfully and hopefully come to better understand the perspectives of those with whom they may disagree on the use and impact of these terms on our congregational dialogues on racism here at USG. It is not an attempt to persuade, convince or debate, simply a chance to hear each other out in a safe and respectful structured setting. There are still spaces for a few more participants and as many observers as might choose to come. But if not already registered, please contact Gerry Whelan at asd@usguu.org to indicate you would like to come as a participant or as an observer.
Unitarian Society of Germantown