11:45 am - 1:30 pm
Come to hear Lucy Duncan and Gabbreell James of Greene Street Friends Meeting talk about reparations for African-Americans and what their meeting has done to offer reparations within their religious community. We will have time for questions and comments following the presentation. Come to the Edna Jones Room immediately following the service for a lunch before the program starts. All are welcome!
Lucy is Co-chair of Philadelphia’s Mayor’s Commission on Faith-based and Interfaith Affairs, Co-founder of reparationsWorks, and founder of the Green Street Reparations Committee. Gabbreell James is a member of the Green Street’s Reparations Committee.
For pre-reading, feel free to take a look at Gabbreell’s article, The Road We Walked: A Philadelphia Quaker Meeting’s Journey to Reparations and Lucy’s article, Reparations and Transgenerational Healing: A white Quaker’s path.”
For more information or to rsvp so we know how many to plan for, contact committee co-chair Carla Campbell at endingracism@usguu.org
Co-Sponsored by: USG Reparations Committee and Shaping Justice Council
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