Exploring Elderhood

2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Come to Kick-Off Exploring Elderhood’s 4th Year at USG
Edna Jones Assembly Room

Don’t let Friday the 13th alarm you with superstition. Instead, join Jeanne Allen and Kay Weiser for our first Exploring Elderhood session of the new year. Come re-connect with friends to find out what they did during the summer months and begin another wonderful year exploring different aspects of elderhood.

The theme for the day is Reflections on Autumn. We will reminisce upon our experiences of the Fall Season – from the anticipation of and the reality of Going Back to School to our sensory perceptions of the changing of Summer to Fall. 

Autumn is
An artist who uses
An oak leaf on which
To paint a masterpiece.
…William Allen Ward

Please bring food to share during our “Happy Hour” time at the conclusion of the session.



This program meets on the second Friday of each month at 2PM in the USG Assembly Room (from October through June.) Its purpose is to celebrate the path, with emphasis on the spiritual path, of all who are aging (that’s all of us!) but especially those who consider themselves Elders (or wannabe Elders) and is open USG members, guest and visitors with no minimum age.

Each month a team of Exploring Elderhood members prepare and present a program on a relevant topic and after initial presentation there is generally a time for small group discussions and then a reconvening to share experiences. Each session is also followed by a potluck TGIF with wine and cheese, tea and crumpets and such. At all times our goal is to accentuate the positive and have fun together as we share our journeys into the second act of life! And we do! Find this month’s plan in the Upcoming Events section of the website.

For more information contact Gerry Whelan at asd@usguu.org or visit and join our Facebook page, just search Exploring Elderhood @ USG

Unitarian Society of Germantown
