Meeting of the New Sanctuary Committee of St. Vincent DePaul

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Two families entered Sanctuary at the First United Methodist Church of Germantown (FUMCOG) on September 6. FUMCOG’s Rev. Bob Coombe has declared their church a Germantown Sanctuary and has invited all congregations to care for and support the families. This meeting at St. Vincent de Paul’s Hospitality Room will discuss ways people can do just that.
If you and/or your family want to become involved in this inspiring and courageous endeavor for justice, contact Yvonne Marlier at or Rev. Kent Matthies.
To get to the Hospitality Room: Directions: Park in the parking lot next to Face to Face on E. Price St. above Lena St., Philadelphia, 19144. After parking, walk away from E. Price and through a gate to the Hospitality Room. People will be outside to direct you.

Face to Face
