Philly African American Clergy Honor MLK

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Join some of the most influential African American pastors, shepherding flocks of tens of thousands in Philadelphia, as they mark the anniversary of the assassination of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a call to #freeourpeople, and create far more decarceration from the Philadelphia jails as they face an urgent life-or-death crisis from coronavirus.

They will join decision-making officials in listening to the stories of people incarcerated now in Philly jails, and their families, and workers in our jails. Other cities like Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and San Francisco have released 25% or more of their jail population, to prevent rampant infection in jails that workers inevitably bring home to communities.

Will our courts, Mayor, and other decision-makers save countless lives by working to #freeourpeople? Tune into our livestream on Philly We Rise’s Facebook page on Saturday at 3pm. Together, we can continue the conversation and push for decarceration to save countless lives.

Unitarian Society of Germantown
