Preemptive Radical Inclusion Workshop with CB Beal

9:30 am - 4:30 pm

CB Beal of Peace and Justice Ministries is a long time UU and educator who will lead this in person only workshop to whom all are invited and strongly encouraged to attend. It is brought to you by Widening the Circle, Welcoming and Adult Spiritual Development. Lunch will be provided.


Participants will experience curiosity, joy, and laughter during this day-long in person workshop. CB will lead us in an exploration of the perspective and some practices of Preemptive Radical Inclusion through story, bearing witness, wondering together, and reflection. We recommend that participants try to attend or watch the two services that CB led for us. Bear Witness: Save Lives from May 21, 2023 (request this link from, and Preemptive Radical Inclusion on Sept 17th, 2023, which will be posted online shortly after the service happens if you miss it. While not necessary, these will offer people familiarity with the ideas and intentions of Preemptive Radical Inclusion, and help us have a common language to talk about our lives together and our commitment to moving towards justice and Beloved Community using these practices.

As part of our inclusive practices for this workshop, everyone present (except the speakers when speaking if they choose) will wear N95 or KN95 respirator masks. Both USGUU and CB will have different types of N95 and KN95 respirator masks available so people can choose one that fits their face shape properly. For this event, loose paper procedure masks will be upgraded to respirators with filtering media in them.

As one concrete practice of preemptively including people in our midst, we will be using as many clean air practices for community care as we are able. We will equip our space to be as close to the new CDC clean air guidelines as possible, with a high degree of ventilation, filtration, and monitoring CO2.  This will mean that our air will be cleaner than average as the ever-present tide of Covid continues.  This sharing responsibility to clean the air means that everyone, including those who are extra vulnerable or immunocompromised (such as the workshop facilitator), will be significantly safer in our space as we gather. 

 We will arrange meal options so that people are able to eat in the manner that is most comfortable for them, offering different spaces including outdoor spaces, while leaving the workshop space to “air out” during lunch. We offer this information so that those among our members who have been hesitant to join us in person can make an informed decision about this event. If you have questions about Clean Air for Community Care, you might look at CB’s webpage here

CB Beal, M.Div. (they/them) is a Unitarian Universalist educator, consultant, speaker, and facilitator. You may have experienced them as the keynote speaker for the week of CERSI/the Central East Region Summer Institute in July, as a respondent at the Berry Street Essay during Ministry Days before GA, or in our congregation here. CB spent several of their young adult years in Philadelphia (quite some time ago) and is excited to return.

USG Edna Jones Assembly Room
