Transgender Lives and Issues Panel/Workshop

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

USG’s Welcoming Congregation Refresher Task Force is offering events throughout the fall to help the congregation learn about and engage with the LGBTQIA community.

The panel members will include a young adult member of First UU of Philadelphia who identifies as non binary, Samantha Taylor from the CHOP Gender Clinic and Hazel Edwards, Education Outreach staffer from the Attic Youth Center.

The Welcoming Congregation Program

In the 1980s and 90s, when the word “welcoming” became a code word for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people, the Unitarian Universalist Association launched a Welcoming Congregation Program to help us learn how to undo homophobia—and later, transphobia (prejudice against transgender people)—in our hearts and minds, our congregations, and our communities.

Today, most Unitarian Universalist congregations are recognized Welcoming Congregations. The spiritual practice of welcome is a very important one to our faith community.

The work of welcome, however, is never done. Welcoming Congregations can learn more about how to be truly welcoming to all people by renewing their commitment. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Ministries recommends that congregations go through a Welcoming Congregation Program or refresher programming every five years. A lot of turnover and changes to congregational life can happen over the years, and the wider culture also changes quickly. Refresher programming can help your congregation recommit to inclusive practices and also take the next steps in deepening your welcome ever further.

USG Edna Jones Assembly Room

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