UUA President Candidate’s Forum

9:00 am - 3:30 pm

Better Together: Central East Region Leadership Day and UUA Presidential Candidates Forum

This will be the live site where the president’s forum will be livestreamed from.

Cost: $20 per person attending who stays for lunch or lunch and workshops. Free to just attend the candidate’s forum in the morning.

Register Now.


9-10 am – Gathering

10-11:30 am – UUA Presidential Candidates Forum

11:30-1 Lunch

1-3 pm Workshops. Please select one:

Mission Possible: Becoming agents of hope & change in congregations and beyond presented by Carey McDonald.
We all feel it these days – the call to reach out in love, to step up or efforts to organize and advocate, to loudly proclaim UU values to a world that desperately needs our voices. But there’s a long way between feeling the call and living up to its demands each week in our congregations. Join us for an exploration of the forces shaping our work, from the “spiritual but not religious” to the 2016 elections, and what we can do to respond. We’ll dig into what it takes to for each of us to be a leader in our unique congregational and community context. Congregational teams welcome and encouraged to attend!

Carey McDonald is the UUA Outreach Director, helping Unitarian Universalist values reach more people and respond to the changing American religious landscape. He previously served as the UUA Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries, and is a former lay member of the UUA Ministerial Fellowship Committee and the Skinner House Books Board. Carey is a seventh generation Unitarian Universalist and a member of First Parish in Malden, MA and the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbus, Ohio.

Caring for One Another in Times of Trial presented by Rev. David Pyle.
People join religious communities seeking care for their spirit amid challenging times.  Be it a health crisis or a crisis of family or society, Pastoral Care is often most needed for a congregation during times of change and transformation.  This workshop will equip and empower ordained and lay congregational caring leaders to build a strong infrastructure of caring for their congregation and community.  It will engage models of pastoral ministries, and also serve as a “train the trainer” workshop for growing caring capacity within a congregation.  Most of all, it will examine the skills and boundaries necessary for effective pastoral care amid times of crisis and trauma.

Rev. David Pyle is a U.S. Army Reserve Chaplain and UUA Congregational Life Consultant.  He serves as a Medical Command Chaplain based out of Fort. Dix, New Jersey.  He has served congregations in Illinois, Michigan, and California, and holds the Arts of Ministry specialty for the Central East Regional Staff of the UUA.  


I Have a Size 4 Stewardship History, a Size 5 Congregation, a Size 6 Budget – and Everyone Has a Size 10 Attitude. Now What?! presented by Bill Clontz.
Stewardship in the 21st century can be a tricky business. A number of long standing ideas and programs still succeed when done well. Others no longer do the job. New tools and approaches are popping up all the time. Competition for donations is fierce. How do we figure out the right mix? Let’s take a look at the score card, talk about how to evaluate our tools, and share our stories of success and frustrations. This is about the life blood of our movement and our congregations. Let’s get it right.

Bill Clontz brings over forty years in leadership development and coaching, organizational effectiveness, and strategic planning to stewardship support of UUs as a member of Stewardship for Us. Bill has over 25 years of in UU church leadership and 15 years of business development and portfolio management as a corporate officer,working with nonprofits and nongovernmental organizations. He a regular presenter at UU Regional conferences and the UUA Annual General Assembly.

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Cedar Lane UU Church
