UUJusticePA Economic Justice Team

8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

The Economic Justice Team is reminding UUs to support living wages for PA workers!
Legislation for the 2021-2022 Session
Actions to Take Now:
Talk to your Senator or Representative
Ask them to support the bills below.

Join our 8:00pm meeting on September 28, 2021
Or by phone:
1-408.638.0968 or 646.558.8656
Meeting ID – 713-234-7624

Primary Sponsor Bill Number Proposed Wages Other Highlights
Senator Dan Laughlin, Erie SB 672 $10/hour Indexed to inflation
Senator Christine Tartaglione, Philadelphia SB 12 $12/hour immediately, up to $15/hour by 2027 Includes other protections
Representative Patty Kim HB 1520 $12/hour immediately up to $15/hour Linked to Cost of Living. Other protections


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