Villages at USG

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm

The Welcoming Committee has been working to group the congregation geographically to assist with things like community building, caring, welcoming new members and more.
We are calling the geographical groups Villages, as in “it takes a village.” We hope that people representing each of the 12 villages will help with some leadership and outreach.
We envision maybe one person who arranges an annual circle dinner or open house, one who would coordinate caring, one who would be responsible for making sure new members are welcomed, etc.
If you are interested in playing a leadership role or just want to know more, please join others in Sullivan Chapel 3 this Sunday from 12-12:30pm, to get a sense of the concept and see if you are willing to help introduce it to the congregation. Maybe you can help identify others we should reach out to….because it takes a village 🙂

USG - Sullivan Chapel-3
