Witches Inspiration

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

The Feminist Thealogy Study Group offers WITCHES INSPIRATION on October 30. Snapshots of witches throughout history, from a medieval European herbalist to a persecuted Salem woman to a Hollywood inspiration. Bring your favorite witch from art, music, a book, or a movie to share.
The group will meet regularly this fall and winter. Participants may come to one or all sessions, as their time and interest dictates. ALL are welcome. The next meetings will be:
• Wednesday, November 9, 7:00–8:30 PM in the Daskam Room and on Zoom:
THE CULTURE OF RAPE IN THE BIBLE. Speaker Eileen DiFranco is a priest
ordained by the Roman Catholic Order of Women Priests.• Sunday, January 29, 12:00–1:30 PM in the Assembly Room: THE RED TENT by
Anita Diamant. We invite all to read this bestselling novel and then come to
discuss it. It’s the story of Dinah, daughter of the Biblical Jacob, who is raised by
her four mothers—Leah, Rachel, Zilpah, and Bilhah. This retelling is a familiar
story from the perspective of the women who are largely left out of the original.

USG Edna Jones Assembly Room
