Your gifts of your time, your talent and your treasure are always welcome and gratefully received.

Click Online Payment Center to SET UP AND MAKE several kinds of payments to USG, including your Stewardship pledge payments. You select the pay period (monthly is preferred) and choose to debit your checking account (also preferred) or credit card.

USG also has a text giving option for making contributions and pledge payments via your cell phone.
Text your donation to 215-608-2660.

First time givers will be prompted to provide their payment method via a secure web page. Once set up, just send a text with the amount and the keyword of the fund you wish to give to. Here are examples:

  • To make a payment toward your pledge (or general donation if you haven’t made a recorded pledge) to USG, just text any amount:     20
  • To set up a regular pledge payment (or general donation if you haven’t made a recorded pledge) to USG:      50  monthly
  • Share the Plate (split between USG and the recipient):     20   stp
  • Sunday plate (also split between USG and recipient):     20   sun
  • “Foundations for the Future” Capital Campaign:     20   capital
  • Ending Racism Committee:     20   erc
  • GA Travel Fund:     20   gatrav

Other funds are available for text giving. Watch announcements in the Sunday service or CommUUnicator for information or visit our “Online Payment Center” and use the dropdown menu there to select the appropriate fund.

After submitting, you’ll receive an acknowledgement by text and by email momentarily.

Stewardship Pledging

Online Stewardship Pledge Form  This is a Pledge Form to let us know what you PLAN to give during the year. Most people pledge during our Stewardship Annual Campaign, but you can pledge any time.

USG members and friends have a wide range of income and giving. Expenses that are covered by pledges average about $130 per member per month. Small increases in annual pledges each year also sustain the church. Everyone’s participation, regardless of level, is important to the health and mission of our Beloved Community. You may find this Fair Share Giving Guide helpful. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.