Join Faith Leaders on June 12 in Washington DC to: Cry Aloud and Attend Justice!

Rev. Kent Matthies will be attending this rally of Faith Leaders in Washington, DC, a rally initiated by Rev. William Barber. (Please note correction: Rev. Barber is not UU but Protestant.) Others are warmly welcomed to attend in support. If interested, please contact Rev. Kent at

Below is the call to action from Rabbi Mordechai Liebling of Wyncote, PA.

Dear Friends,
I am deeply concerned about the threats to democracy in the U.S.   When Trump was elected, there was a spate of article and books about the possibilities of fascism; when it didn’t happen right away many people dismissed it. Of course, it would take awhile to materialize.  Recently the Speaker of the House said that she thought he would refuse to leave office in a close election.  Many U.S. historians agree that what is happening is the greatest threat to our democracy since the Civil War. Trump is:

  • Undermining the notion of truth and fact
  • Delegitimizing the mainstream media
  • Systematically eroding the powers of Congress
  • Taking control of the courts
  • Eroding our system of checks and balances
  • Taking control of the Secret Service (read the Palace Guard) by appointing a new head
  • Hiring people loyal to him to run Homeland Security
  • Undermining the legitimacy of the FBI
  • Delegitimizing the election process

He is putting in place all of the elements to forcibly stay in power (our Armed Forces historically stay out of politics). 

It is time to stand up and defend the Constitution. Please [heed] the call … initiated by Rev. William Barber and join 1,000 Spiritual Leaders in Washington, D.C. to stand in front of the White House.  Be part of the moral call to save democracy.
 Peace and Blessings,  Mordechai