Small Group Ministry
2024-25 The Practice(s) of…
September: Invitation
October: Deep Listening
November: Repair
December: Presence
January: Story
February: Inclusion
March: Trust
April: Joy
May: Imagination
June: Freedom
Accessing the Soul Matters Curriculum
You can see the edited (short version) of the each curriculum linked to the themes above. The Soul Matters Packets page has the full resources. It is under the Members tab (you need to be signed into this website.) We encourage everyone to engage a spiritual exercise and a question each month, even if you are not in a group. You may also request a full packet by email to
SGM groups generally have 8-12 people and meet once a month for an hour to hour-and-a-half. The meeting begins with a chalice lighting and opening words. There is a check in when people can spend a few minutes sharing highs and lows of the previous month or other details about their lives. This is followed by quotes for inspiration and a minute or so of meditation and contemplation. And then each member has an opportunity to share about that month’s topic and spiritual exercise, while the others listen “deeply.” This deep listening is what makes SGM special. Some on Zoom only, some are Zoom or in person depending on the needs of the group.
SGM is not a discussion group; it is more like a spiritual practice where we take time out of our busy lives to think deeply about a topic, share our thoughts with a trusted group and then listen deeply as others share. Together we find practical ways to live out spiritual principles in our lives.
Group members are asked to commit to the group for a year and each group is asked to do some sort of service together either for the church or the larger community (for example, a church work day, MLK Day, etc.) Everyone is welcome; you do not need to be a USG member to join a small group.
Sample Small Group Ministry Covenant
Join a Group Now!
Available groups are listed below. People are welcome to join any group that fits their demographic. If you would like to join a group, but there isn’t one that works for you, please contact Treva Burger and Jody Hill, at for more information, to sign up or when you are available.
Small Groups with Openings:
We are looking to start a new group, ideally Tuesday through Thursday evening the second or third weeks of the month. Interested? Email with your availability.
20’s, 30’s and 40’s, 1st Thursdays, 7:30pm in person at USG. Allie Semon facilitates. 2 openings.
Adults (currently all women, but not intentionally) 4th Wednesdays, 7pm at member’s homes. Clare Pisoni and Metilde Scoccia facilitate. 2 openings.
Parents (currently all moms), 3rd Sundays 7:30pm. Adrianne Wolkenburg facilitates. 2 openings.
Adults, 2nd and 4th Sundays, 9-9:40am on Zoom. Mark Bangela facilitates. 4 openings.
Please email Treva Burger at if you are interested in joining any of these groups or would like more information. If there is not a group that will work for you, please tell us what you are looking for and we will attempt to accommodate you in the near future.
What Some USG Members Say About Small Group Ministries
- “Small Group Ministry is, in my opinion, the heart of the church. There is no other place where I can have the opportunity to hear and be heard in such an intimate setting. The web of trust and support that has developed in the groups I have been a part of over the years have strengthened my heart and affirmed my faith in my fellow human beings. It is unlike anything else out there in our hustle and bustle world today. An island of peace in a storm of life.”
- “I love SGM because it helps me to connect more deeply with other USG members and to explore my own faith, beliefs, joys and sorrows in a safe, supported environment.”
- “I participate in SGM to connect with people with whom I may not get to know in my journey at USG, to strengthen my connection with others and to learn about what makes them tick which to me is both fascinating and enriching. I participate to feel connected and invested in the community at USG and to expand my spirit.”
- “I find it a wonderful opportunity to get to know a small group of people on a more intimate level. The subject matter is a starting point and the structure keeps everyone on task and keeps it from turning into a social gathering. It also gives voice to matters that are not necessarily discussed in other places or groups.”
- “I have been a member of two groups and have led two groups in two different churches and I continue to be amazed at the power of this simple format to bring all different combinations of people into a very special shared experience.”
- “The topics are meaningful, some of the readings are helpful, but what keeps me coming back every month is being in the safe, sacred community we have formed together, a place where I can go deeper, share my truth without fear of judgment or comment, and hold others in that same way…..”
2023 -24 The Gift of…
September: Welcome
October: Heritage
November: Generosity
December: Mystery
January: Liberating Love
February: Justice & Equity
March: Transformation
April: Interdependence
May: Pluralism
June: Renewal
July: Managing Conflict
August: Redefining Ourselves
2022-2023 The Path of…
September: Belonging
October: Courage
November: Change
December: Wonder
January: Finding Our Center
February: Love
March: Vulnerability
April: Resistance
May: Creativity
June: Delight
July: Bucket List (from the First Parish Church of Stow and Action, MA)
August 2023: Making Friends as an Adult (from UU Community Church of Washington County, OR)
2021-22 Themes
September: Embracing Possibility
October: Cultivating Relationship
November: Holding History
December: Opening to Joy
January: Living with Intention
February: Widening the Circle
March: Renewing Faith
April: Awakening
May: Nurturing Beauty
June: Celebrating Blessings
July: Balance
August: Welcome
September: Belonging
October: Courage
November: Change
December: Wonder
2020-21 Themes
September: Renewal
October: Deep Listening
November: Healing
December: Stillness
January: Imagination
February: Beloved Community
March: Commitment
April: Becoming
May: Story
June: Play
July: Blessing
August: Joy
2019-20 Themes
September: Expectation
October: Belonging
November: Attention
December: Awe
January: Integrity
February: Resilience
March: Wisdom
April: Liberation
May: Thresholds
June: Compassion
July: Hope
August: Perseverance
2018-2019 Themes
September: Vision
October: Sanctuary
November: Memory
December: Mystery
January: Possibility
February: Trust
March: Journey
April: Wholeness
May: Curiosity
June: Beauty
July: Resistance
August: Embodiment
2017-18 Themes
September: Building Beloved Community
October: Compassion
November: Service
December: Empowerment
January: Honoring Differences
February: Change
March: Generosity
April: Spirit of Life
May: Busyness
June: Wonder
July: Humor
August: Harvest
2016-17 Themes
September: Deepening Connections
October: Memory
November: Blessings
December: Reverence
January: Hope
February: Resilience
March: Fear
April: Transformation
May: Wholeness
June: Radical Hospitality
July: Devotion
August: Mindfulness
2015-16 Themes
September: Home
October: Forgiveness
November: Gratitude
December: Celebration
January: Freedom
February: Courage
March: Story
April: Privilege
May: Curiosity
June: Pride
July: Creativity
August: Joy
2014-15 Themes
September: Building Beloved Community
October: Compassion
November: Service
December: Empowerment
January: Honoring Differences
February: Humor
March: Leadership
April: Spirit of Life
May: Busyness
June: Wonder
July: Change
August: Harvest
2013-14 Themes
September: Deepening Connections
October: Doubt
November: Tradition
December: Innocence
January: Beginning
February: Solitude
March: Generosity
April: Self-Esteem
May: Civility
June: Source Beyond Ourselves
July: Independence and Interdependence
August: Balance
2012-13 Themes
September: Atonement
October: Belonging
November: Prayer
December: Revelation
January: Mindfulness
February: God
March: Courage
April: Awakening
May: Creation
June: Sexuality
July: Vision
August: Vulnerability
2011-12 Themes
September: Forgiveness
October: Quest
November: Gratitude
December: Hope
January: Living Faith
February: Hospitality
March: Brokenness
April: Transformation
May: Justice
June: Transcendence
July: Joy
August: Memory
2010-11 Themes
September: Humility
October: Belonging
November: Blessings
December: Radical Hospitality
January: Trust
February: Discernment
March: Money
April: Who’s Keeping Score?
May: Strength
June: Play
July: My Musica Sacrae
August: Connectedness