Archives: Services

People Get Ready, Davy Knittle

Our lives continuously pivot at the meeting point of our experience of selfhood and the regular transformation of the contexts in which selfhood develops. Unitarian Universalism celebrates our lives as periods of constant change. How can our commitment to change spur us through uncertainty toward active and deliberate … read more.

Poems: A Retrospective, Peter Walsh

Peter will read a number of his poems written over the past 35 years. He has been a member of the Unitarian Society of Germantown since 1973, when he, his wife, Marny and their children, moved to Philadelphia from England. He has worked at Temple … read more.

Sowing The Seeds of Beloved Community, Andrea Durham

Unitarian Universalism embraces 7 Principles grounded in the humanistic teachings of the world’s religions. How do we translate these ideals into daily practices so that we actively engage in cultivating Beloved Community? One option is to build character traits that transcend boundaries with guidance from … read more.

Wondering as We Wander, Rev. Mara Dowdall

Wonder is the sensation we have when experiencing what is both beautiful and unexpected. It is an ancient human emotion, but also, argues Susan Beaumont, a leadership and congregational consultant, a crucial antidote to the profound anxiety of the times in which we are living. What is the connection between wonder and our … read more.

Interfaith Connection and Action, Connie Simon, Intern Minister

Radical hospitality is described as going beyond politeness – it’s greeting the stranger with “revolutionary generosity.”  Can neighbors with widely different religious beliefs work together for their community’s common good?   Connie Simon reminds us that we are stronger together and previews her upcoming Interfaith Connection … read more.

A Negativity Bias, Rev. Andrew Weber

We tend to react to and remember negative events.  Our ancestors needed to know what could possibly harm them so we may have an evolutionary bias toward remembering negativity.  Can we be more balanced and whole by paying more attention to the positive in our … read more.